Package-level declarations
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object CompassComposableDefaults
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object IndoorComposableDefaults
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data class MyLocationComposableColors(val iconFollowModeOnColor: Color, val iconFollowModeOffColor: Color, val iconMyLocationDisabledColor: Color, val backgroundColor: Color)
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object MyLocationComposableDefaults
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data class TrafficColors(val backgroundColor: Color, val scoreTextColorIfTrafficEnabled: Color, val scoreTextColorIfTrafficDisabled: Color, val noScoreIconColorIfTrafficEnabled: Color, val noScoreIconColorIfTrafficDisabled: Color, val spinnerColorIfTrafficLoading: Color, val lowTrafficScoreColor: Color, val mediumTrafficScoreColor: Color, val highTrafficScoreColor: Color)
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object TrafficComposableDefaults
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data class ZoomComposableColors(val iconColor: Color, val iconZoomDisabledColor: Color, val backgroundColor: Color)
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object ZoomComposableDefaults
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fun CompassComposable(map: Map, colors: CompassComposableColors = CompassComposableDefaults.colors())
A composable that displays a compass indicating the map's current bearing. The compass is hidden when the bearing is zero (aligned with true north) and shown otherwise.
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fun CustomBottomSheet(scaffoldState: BottomSheetScaffoldState, offsetChanged: (Float) -> Unit, sheetPeekHeight: Dp, fadeColor: Color, sheetContent: @Composable () -> Unit)
Customizes the standard BottomSheetScaffold by modifying how the sheet's offset is calculated.
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fun IndoorComposable(map: Map, markedLevels: Set<LevelId> = setOf(), colors: IndoorComposableColors = IndoorComposableDefaults.colors())
A composable that displays floors of a building in a vertically oriented manner. Shows a maximum of 5 floors at a time. If there are more floors, scrolling is enabled.
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fun MyLocationComposable(map: Map, colors: MyLocationComposableColors = MyLocationComposableDefaults.colors())
A composable to control follow mode.
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A composable that displays the traffic score and allows users to toggle the visibility of traffic on the map. The color of this control changes based on the traffic score, by default colors are:
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A composable to control the zoom level of a map.