MapGL Examples

The list below includes rough examples of using 2GIS MapGL API. You can find the source code of these examples in the GitHub repository.

More official examples with detailed descriptions can be found in the documentation on


Markers backend
Example with GeoJSON markers and a backend simulation that sends them to client
[demo] [source]
Color buildings
Example of using featureState to color buildings
[demo] [source]
Example of adding an interactive realty scene to the map
[demo] [source]
GLTF-plugin Sakura
Example of adding an interactive realty scene to the map
[demo] [source]
Polygon drawing
Example of user polygon drawing
[demo] [source]
Raster overlay
And old paper map above the vector map
[demo] [source]
Simple example of map creating
[demo] [source]
Style changing
Applying a new style by interval
[demo] [source]


Clustered markers with arcs
Clustered markers with arc geometry
[demo] [source]
Clustered markers with popups
Show a popup after a click on the marker
[demo] [source]
Huge clustering
Example of using a huge amount of markers with clustering
[demo] [source]

Directions API

Directions API floors
Using Directions API through floors plans
[demo] [source]
Directions API with obstacles
Using Directions API with obstacles
[demo] [source]
Basic directions search app
Using Directions API in basic directions search app
[demo] [source]


GeoJSON data update
Changing data in GeoJSON source
[demo] [source]
Hover GeoJSON with Polygon
Hover GeoJSON data effect with additional Polygon object
[demo] [source]
Hover GeoJSON setData
Hover effect with GeoJSON source setData method
[demo] [source]


GeoJSON point dragging
Example of GeoJSON draggable point
[demo] [source]
HTML marker drag
Example of HTML draggable marker
[demo] [source]
Marker drag
Example of WebGL draggable marker
[demo] [source]